...and not the pleasant kind. I mean harsh, gross, ear-splitting, head throbbing noise. Well, okay, I find it a little pleasant, maybe I am just a little twisted. So my twisted mind came across this.
Twin Stumps - s/t
Anyways, this album is loud, and not something you wanna put on at a party. It will scare your family, and make you wonder if diving into obscure music is really worth it.
No, in all actuality, this is a really good album. It is Twin Stumps first album, and it is great. They just released a new album, which even pitchfork enjoyed, and I advise you get the album from where they started. I bought this album, and it now sits in my car, to which I let my sound system shatter my eardrums. This album is best listened to by some sort of loud playback devise, cause if not, you won't get the full experience.
So get this, and let it rape your mind and ears.
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