A heartbeat I think I like ;)
This is the best album for dancing and feeling sexy to. You'll nod your head, you'll dance, you'll move those hips, you'll put your hands on your waistline - there's no more space in the woods, not for anyone else, not with what LOTP has done. This album is just fucking sexy, there's not really any other words for it. It's got a seriously 80's vibe going on, you'll just wanna find some black leggings and vibrant green tank tops, put your hair in a cyan headband, and rock out real sexy-like to this. I swear to god. It's so... awesome. Imagine a synthy-er, sexier MGMT, who is much better at falsettos. If nothing else, Bathroom Gurgle and Space & The Woods will rock your fucking hips. You will jam out to this in your car, you will be okay enough with how 80s it sounds to feel hip and like you're reviving the neon decade in your own two hands. Fucking neon.
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